Leaf spotting, fall events, and more news from Central Park!

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Get to know Central Park's Trees
Get to Know Central Park’s Trees

Did you know the first tree was planted in Central Park on October 17, 1858? These days, the Park is home to more than 170 species of trees — visit our newly updated Tree Guide to learn more about some of your favorites. Our Tree Guide features photos, fun facts, and details on where to spot different species in the Park.

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Discover Fall Foliage in Central Park
Discover Fall Foliage in Central Park

From sugar maple to sweetgum, many of Central Park’s roughly 20,000 trees feature vibrant fall foliage. In appreciation of this photogenic time of year, Conservancy arborist Alan Clark tells us which of the Park’s trees to look for this autumn. You’ll discover where to find a three-trunked black tupelo and learn which trees have needles that even change color in the fall.

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An Outdoor Classroom
An Outdoor Classroom

Each summer, the Conservancy provides 20 college students with paid, full-time internships in Central Park. Stephen McConkey, the Conservancy’s Film and Special Events Coordinator, shares how this internship program helped him gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for urban park management.

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Tours offered in new languages
Tours Offered in Español and Français

Learn the story of Central Park’s history, design, and ecology on an official tour — now offered in two more languages! Discover how rocky, swampy land was transformed into Central Park on our signature tour, newly available in Español and Français. Our tour of the North Woods, the Park’s largest woodland, is also now offered in Español. Don't forget: members receive discounted tickets.

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Safari Playground's Hippos Return Home
Safari Playground’s Hippos Return Home

Safari Playground’s beloved hippopotamus sculptures were created by Bob Cassilly, artist and founder of the City Museum in St. Louis, in 1997. As part of the playground’s reconstruction, these iconic sculptures will be replicated and replaced. Discover how the Conservancy returned the original hippos to their Midwestern home in this heartwarming story.

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Photo of the Month

An empty Bow Bridge is a serene (and rare!) sight. Thanks to @jhaykin for capturing this scene. Share your favorite Central Park moments with us by tagging @centralparknyc and using the hashtag #centralparkmoments.

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Featured Events
The Ramble Tour
Sunday, October 7 | 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Wednesdays, October 17 & 31 | 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
The 36-acre Ramble offers visitors a tranquil area to escape the City, meander along winding paths, and admire diverse plants and wildlife. See firsthand how the Conservancy’s recently completed restoration of the Ramble’s landscape, including its paths and infrastructure, have further enhanced its charming characteristics.
Tickets $15 (Members $10) Not a member? Join today
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My Dog Loves Central Park Fair
Saturday, October 20 | 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Come, sit, stay, and celebrate Central Park and its dog community! This fun event for people and canines includes contests, training tips, games, and more. Open to all ages. The Fair is an on-leash event.
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Sponsored by:

Animal Medical Center  Biscuits & Bath

Additional support provided by Central Park Medical Unit.

Halloween Pumpkin Flotilla
Sunday, October 28 | 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Bring the whole family and celebrate Halloween in Central Park. At the Conservancy’s signature Pumpkin Flotilla, you’ll have the chance to send your homemade jack-o’-lanterns onto the Harlem Meer at twilight.
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The Central Park Conservancy raises 75% of Central Park’s annual budget and is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance and operations that keep the Park beautiful.

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The Central Park Conservancy is the official caretaker of Central Park — if you have ideas or feedback for us, please reply to this email. Thanks for your support!

Central Park Conservancy | 14 East 60th Street | New York, NY 10022